So much of my work is done with Sketchup in one way or another these days that I thought a dedicated page was appropriate. I wish this tool had been around many years ago. The beauty of the program is its simplicity and intuitive operation which belies it's power as a very comprehensive modelling tool. It's companion program: Layout also has become a great aid in presentations that incorporate Sketchup models and other content. If one adds to the mix a decent rendering program it always amazes me what fantastic results emerge. Again, as I mention in my opening comments in the film and commercials pages, we are not usually making the illustrations public because it is the film one ultimately sees but Sketchup allows us to produce totally accurate scaled spaces that can be previewed in 3D, 2D, as animations, scaled drawings and rendered with lighting to give almost photoreal views of the designed spaces before anything is built.
This is a random image I used to represent a space. (A photograph of an apartment)
This is the sketchup model I built to match closely the elements of the scene and lighting to match the overall feel.
This is the Sketchup model (from left) rendered with v-ray to show how it is possible to achieve convincing images of proposed spaces
Here are a couple more reverse engineered examples of Sketchup's ability to model render real world spaces. Again I have used random photos from the internet and reproduced them as Sketchup models and rendered them with Thea to demonstrate how real environments can be reproduced fairly easily.
Sketchup Animatics
circular track as alternative to spinning the room
use of physics to show motion down slide
Sketchup raw version
rendered version
Previz of oversized dominos falling on map for the movie "The Fog of War"
Used another designer's mesh and adapted to 2 possible use renders.
Using Skatter in Sketchup to get dimensional texture
Before and After
Side by sides of model & renders and final set build on right.
see more in the illustrations page